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Animal Health Products
Staldren Dry Disinfectant for Sheep & Goats

Staldren Dry Disinfectant for Sheep & Goats

Staldren® is a hygiene solution in powder form which has a very broad effect against dampness, smell, bacteria and fungal spores.

For use of Staldren® with sheep and goats the following is recommended:

  • Lambing Boxes:  ensure the lambing area is thoroughly cleaned, spread Staldren® all over the floor (1-2 good handfuls, 50-100g per m2) so that the entire  floor area is covered, then cover with bedding material and add a further couple of handfuls.  Make sure the powder is spread well into the corners and edges to ensure the flies eggs and larvae can be dried out.
  • Staldren® is spread out between the slats so that the newborn lamb/klid gets the best possible start in life.

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